Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome Message

Greetings! I am a second generation board gamer. My dad started playing board games with my sister and I and I've enjoyed playing many different style games over the years. I'll try any game once as long as someone is patient enough to teach me.

My top ten is a list of my top ten favorite games to play. Click on any of the links in my top ten to view it's page.

Why do you game?
ah, the eternal question why. Honestly, I don't think I can give a fair answer because there are so many reasons. The feeling of doing something fun with your family and friends, the tension of "will I get that tile or piece I need, will so-and-so buy into that land before I can, if this happens and I do this I may win", but mostly because it's a hobby that continues to grow and hopefully continues to get better and better.

What types of games do you prefer?
I prefer economic games and am mostly a Eurogamer, but I've always said I'd play anything as long as someone was patient enough to teach me. That said, I don't think I'll be playing ASL or POG anytime soon. War games just don't appeal to me. That's not to say I don't enjoy combat games. I think Air Baron is the closest hybrid to a war game/eurogame that I've played and it was the game that broke me into the hobby.

Where do you game?
Wherever. Online, at home, on the road. I've gamed at friends houses, at my parents house, at my in-laws houses, anywhere I can.

Who do you game with? etc.
Pretty much whoever wants to play. Mostly friends and family. I started out playing monopoly, Clue, Scotland Yard, etc with my sister and dad. My mother would play party games like Charades but had no interest in the boards. In High School I got some of my friends to meet up with my dad and I for Air Baron night. In college, I introduced some card games like Family Business to my Fraternity brothers and after college I continued to game with my dad. I am married now and my wife is a gamer as is most of her family, so we'll play together. I also met a few new friends through BGG who get together as well.

Then there's the whole online world, where I'll play Tikal, Carcassonne, Power Grid, Notre Dame, etc with people I've never met before.

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